Super-Strata is an environmental design, planning, and innovation consultancy founded by Professor Richard Hindle (UC Berkeley, L.A.E.P.) in 2014 to link research and practice through collaboration and built works. Our expertise ranges from the conceptualization, implementation, and forecasting, of advanced environmental infrastructure, to the design and construction of garden-scale test plots and eco-tech prototypes.

Living Systems & Gardens
At the center of our work is the design and testing of advanced building and urban systems integrated with plants, the rhizosphere, water, and other species, into hybrid ecological systems across scales and built typologies. This includes vertical planting, ecological seawalls, green roofs, and other constructed habitats. Our garden designs prioritize aesthetic refinement, ecological appropriate plant palettes, and functionality through time.

Infrastructure Planning
We work with teams of designers, engineers, and community stakeholders to envision new grounds for radical innovation. Climate Adaptation and resilience efforts will reformat infrastructure globally, necessitating new approaches to how we design, and future proof, lived systems and shared spaces. Our prior work crosses disciplinary boundaries and scales, including subject area expertise in green building infrastructure, subsidence reversal, sea level rise, coastal adaptation and resilience, and ecological engineering of novel infrastructure from transit to wavescapes.

Eco-Technology Trends
Our transformative research establishes trajectories for innovation in the built environment. Super-strata links this research to practices of design and planning, providing insights about environmental technology and enabling the possibilities for the integration of technology across a range of project scopes and sectors. We specialize in linking policy, strategic planning, and environmental design to facilitate positive change through integrated and applied sociotechnical practices.
Super-Strata (neologism): the newest, or freshest, layer of environmental Infrastructure and living systems.
Etymology: Super (prefix; Above, Beyond) Strata (plural of Stratum. Layer, laying down of something)